2014 Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf - Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

2014 Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf - Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

Bordeaux - Frankreich

Antonio Galloni: *The 2014 Tertre-Rôteboeuf is compelling. Sweet, perfumed aromatics meld into a core of exotic blue and black-fleshed fruit supported by veins of saline minerality in a wine that stands out for its translucent texture. A closing flourish of highly expressive floral and spiced notes adds the last shades of nuance. Once again, this is one of the most deeply personal, intriguing wines in St.-Emilion. The 2014 is 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc, brought in starting on October 15, very late, even by the standard of the year.*
(Vinous.com - 04/2015)

Punkte & Bewertungen

Falstaff: 94/100 WeinWisser: 18/20 Antonio Galloni: 91-94/100 Jancis Robinson: 16,5/20 Decanter: 94/100 Jeff Leve: 94/100

188,00 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand

Grundpreis: 250,67 / Liter Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage

Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Jahrgang 2014
Füllmenge 0,750 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033041030-1400
Sorte Rotwein
Rebsorte(n) Merlot (85%)
Cabernet Franc (15%)
Alkoholgehalt % Vol. 13,50
Qualitätsstufe Grand Cru
Original-Verpackung 6 Flaschen pro Kiste


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


optimal trinkbar zwischen 2016-2030
empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 16-18
Verschlußart Naturkork
Ausbau Barrique
Alter Barriques / Jahre: 0
Anteil neues Holz: 0 %
Dauer des Barriqueausbaus / Monate: ?

Weinberg & Terroir

Art der Lese maschinell
durchschnittliches Rebalter in Jahren 55
Stockanzahl 5555


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 94 pts – JL: *Toasted, bready notes followed by lifted dark fruit. Round and rich but it’s not overdone, with a freshness behind. A glimpse of oak and fine tannin.* - 06/2018

  • Verkostungsnotiz WeinWisser:

    WeinWisser – 18/20pts – RG: *80 % Merlot, 20 % Cabernet Franc. Tiefes Purpur, satt in der Mitte, Granatschimmer am Rand. Das wärmste Bouquet aller degustierten Libournaiser-Weine. Nirgends waren so viele, reife Pflaumen und Dörrfrüchte im Nasenbild zu finden, dahinter eine wunderschöne Ration Mokka und auch zarte Trüffelnoten. Im Gaumen weich, samtig mit einer Chambertinhaften Textur, das weich ausklingende lange Finale zeigt Brombeeren und Lakritze. Eine voluminöse Delikatesse. Für François Mitjaville war es die späteste Ernte seines Lebens.*

  • Verkostungsnotiz Robinson:

    JancisRobinson.com – 16,5/20pts – JH: *Tasted blind. Plenty of red hue at the core. Sweet, ripe and quite oaky/toasty. Really very oaky on the palate though there’s nice fruit underneath. Smooth, fresh and balanced in this sweetly oaky style. Juicy fruit and lots of toasty pleasure. Just a little dry on the finish.* - 02/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Galloni:

    Vinous.com – (91-94) pts – AG: *The 2014 Tertre-Rôteboeuf is compelling. Sweet, perfumed aromatics meld into a core of exotic blue and black-fleshed fruit supported by veins of saline minerality in a wine that stands out for its translucent texture. A closing flourish of highly expressive floral and spiced notes adds the last shades of nuance. Once again, this is one of the most deeply personal, intriguing wines in St.-Emilion. The 2014 is 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc, brought in starting on October 15, very late, even by the standard of the year.* - 04/2015

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – 94 pts – JL: *Silky, sweet soft, fresh fruits with a focus on ripe, cherries, black raspberry, floral and a touch of exotic citrus in the end note. Medium/full bodied with a fresh, sweet, rich, raspberry note in the finish that really hangs on.* - 07/2017

Ähnliche Artikel

2017 Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf - Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe
2017 Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf - Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

Bordeaux - Frankreich

  • Rotwein | 0,750 Liter
  • Gesamtalkohol: 15,00% Vol.

192,20 (Preis / Flasche)

inkl. MwSt ggf. zzgl. Versand

  • Grundpreis: 256,27 / Liter
  • Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage


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