2023 Chateau Lafite Rothschild - 1er Grand Cru Classe Pauillac

2023 Chateau Lafite Rothschild - 1er Grand Cru Classe Pauillac

Bordeaux - Frankreich -Subskription- -Rest: 23 Fl.-

Georgina Hindle: *A clear contender for wine of the vintage. Deep, purple colour on the rim. Some soft herbal and floral aromatics, milk chocolate. A real sense of understated power as Lafite does so well. Not so demonstrative at all, but there’s a gorgeous charming delicacy to this - fine powdery blue fruit tannins with edges of liquorice and slate. Smooth and supple, excellent weight in the mouth, light and streamlined, less overt acidity and brightness than Carruades, but still with a mouthwatering centre that gives strawberry and cherry fruit flavours. Ends with subtle graphite and wet stone, long and lingering though. Just delightful, so elegant and finessed. You can feel the density on the finish, the slight weight of the tannins comes at the end, bringing a controlled and quiet power. I love the sense of ease and seamlessness about this wine, it just slips down. 1% of very old Petit Verdot went into the blend this year. 15% press. 3.8pH. 38% grand vin production. Ageing 90% new oak. A potential
100-point wine.*
(Decanter.com - 04/2024)

Punkte & Bewertungen

Antonio Galloni: 95-98/100 Neal Martin: 95-97/100 Jancis Robinson: 18/20 Jeff Leve: 96-98/100 Decanter: 98/100 Falstaff: 98/100

542,75 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand
Bitte beachten Sie unsere abweichenden Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen für Subskriptionsaufträge.

Grundpreis: 723,67 / Liter Lieferzeit: Juni 2026

Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Winzer Château Lafite Rothschild
FR 33250 Pauillac
Jahrgang 2023
Füllmenge 0,750 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033041056-2300
Sorte Rotwein
Rebsorte(n) Cabernet Sauvignon (93%)
Merlot (6%)
Petit Verdot (1%)
Alkoholgehalt % Vol. 13,50
Qualitätsstufe 1er Grand Cru Classé
Original-Verpackung 6 Flaschen pro Kiste


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


optimal trinkbar zwischen 2031-2063
empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 16-18
Verschlußart Naturkork
passt zu Fleisch (dunkel)
Braten (dunkel)
Ausbau Barrique
Alter Barriques / Jahre: 0
Anteil neues Holz: 100 %
Dauer des Barriqueausbaus / Monate: 18-20


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 98 pts – GH: *A clear contender for wine of the vintage. Deep, purple colour on the rim. Some soft herbal and floral aromatics, milk chocolate. A real sense of understated power as Lafite does so well. Not so demonstrative at all, but there’s a gorgeous charming delicacy to this - fine powdery blue fruit tannins with edges of liquorice and slate. Smooth and supple, excellent weight in the mouth, light and streamlined, less overt acidity and brightness than Carruades, but still with a mouthwatering centre that gives strawberry and cherry fruit flavours. Ends with subtle graphite and wet stone, long and lingering though. Just delightful, so elegant and finessed. You can feel the density on the finish, the slight weight of the tannins comes at the end, bringing a controlled and quiet power. I love the sense of ease and seamlessness about this wine, it just slips down. 1% of very old Petit Verdot went into the blend this year. 15% press. 3.8pH. 38% grand vin production. Ageing 90% new oak. A potential 100-point wine.* - 04/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Falstaff:

    Falstaff Magazin – 98 pts – PM: *Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Attraktive Cassis, Brombeeren, zart nach Lakritze, ein Hauch von Edelholz, mineralisch unterlegt. Kraftvoll, straff, lebendig, frische rote Herzkirschen, perfekt reife Tannine, mineralisch und sehr lange anhaftend, ungemein elegant und präzise, minutenlang anhaftend, hat große Klasse. Das ist der Stil, der Bordeaux groß gemacht hat, mit Charme und Energie, mit Kraft und großem Potenzial.* - 05/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Vinum:

    Vinum Magazin – 99/100 pts: *Tiefgründig, Noblesse pur, komplex im Aromenspektrum, klar definiert am Gaumen, diskreter Auftakt, baut aus, zeigt Druck und eine beeindruckende Eleganz. Tänzerisch, verspielt, dabei seriös, endlos lang. Sehr Lafite. Wird in jeder Phase seines Lebens Spass machen.*

  • Verkostungsnotiz Robinson:

    JancisRobinson.com – 18/20pts – JL: *93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6% Merlot, 1% Petit Verdot. 44 hl/ha. Cask sample. As always, elegant and refined. Fragrant nose and fine, filigree tannins. Really quite mellow but freshness and length on the finish. Like a delicate piece of porcelain though the structure is there.* - 04/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Galloni:

    Vinous.com – (95-98) pts – AG: *The 2023 Lafite-Rothschild races out of the glass with notable textural intensity. Explosive and deep, with striking balance, Lafite dazzles in this vintage. The 2023 is a somber, virile Lafite endowed with remarkable depth and tons of sheer character. Plum, blackberry, gravel, pencil shavings, graphite, mocha and lavender build into the intense, palate-staining finish. The blend is 93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6% Merlot and 1% Petit Verdot.* - 04/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Martin:

    Vinous.com – (95-97) pts – NM: *The 2023 Lafite-Rothschild was picked September 7 to 29 at 45hL/ha and matured in 90% new oak. This is more discrete on the nose—one of the tropes of this First Growth—even when compared to the more immediate Carruades. This takes time to unfurl in the glass, slowly revealing black fruit laced with pencil box and just a touch of pressed violet. There’s wonderful precision here. The palate is medium-bodied with a cashmere texture, very pure (again) with a judicious dab of cracked black pepper. The finish is very sleek, thanks to its almost filigree tannins, seeming to glide across the palate. It's not a grippy or sinewy Pauillac, and on reflection, it is technically perfect. Yet, I find myself searching for a bit more…soul. Perhaps a few rough edges would captivate the emotions. This is a delicious Lafite-Rothschild no doubt, but I want it to move me once in bottle. Maybe it will.* - 04/2024

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – (96-98) pts – JL: *Richly colored, with a complex aromatic profile offering flowers, spices, cedar, cigar wrapper, lead pencil, creme de cassis, and blackberries. The wine rapidly focuses on its layers of energetic, red with black fruits There is a polished, character here. Texturally, this is elegant, and racy, with length, purity, and most importantly, charm. finishing with seamless, gentle waves of creme de cassis. The wine blends 93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6% Merlot, and 1% Petit Verdot. 15% press wine. 12.9% ABV, 3.78 pH. Harvesting started September 7 for the young Merlot vines, finishing September 29. The key to the success this year was controlling mildew pressure, and finding the optimum picking dates. 38% of the harvest went into the Grand Vin. Drink from 2030-2065.* - 05/2024

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2019 Les Carruades de Lafite - Zweitwein von Château Lafite-Rothschild - Pauillac AC

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  • Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

208,00 (Preis / Flasche)

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2022 Chateau Lafite Rothschild - 1er Grand Cru Classe Pauillac
2022 Chateau Lafite Rothschild - 1er Grand Cru Classe Pauillac

Bordeaux - Frankreich -Subskription- -Rest: 18 Fl.-

  • Rotwein | 0,750 Liter
  • Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

825,00 (Preis / Flasche)

inkl. MwSt ggf. zzgl. Versand

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  • Lieferzeit: Juni 2025


Weitere Informationen zum


Château Lafite Rothschild

Pauillac ist womöglich die Spitzenappellation im Médoc, beherbergt sie doch drei der weltbekanntesten Weingüter des Bordeaux: die Weingüter Latour, Mouton-Rothschild und Lafite-Rothschild. Letzteres war seit seiner eigentlichen Gründung im 17. Jahrhundert über die Jahrhunderte größtenteils Lieferant einer außergewöhnlichen Qualität. Erwähnt wurde der Name Lafite zum ersten Mal im Jahr 1234, als Nachname des Abtes Gombaud de Lafite, der dem Kloster in Vertheuil vorstand. La hite nennt man im Dialekt der Gascogne einen Hügel, was die Landschaft in diesem Teil des Médoc gut beschreibt. Im Mittelalter war das Anwesen als Lehnsgut dokumentiert. Im Jahre 1670 begann dieèa der Familie Ségur, als Jeanne de Gasq nach dem Tod ihres Mannes Jacques Ségur heiratete. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt standen wahrscheinlich schon Reben auf dem Anwesen, dass Jeanne mit in die Ehe brachte. Jacques Ségur wandelte nach und nach einen größeren Teil der landwirtschaftlichen Fläche in Weinberge um. Durch...

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