2022 Virginie de Valandraud (Zweitwein Chateau Valandraud) - Bordeaux Blanc AC

2022 Virginie de Valandraud (Zweitwein Chateau Valandraud) - Bordeaux Blanc AC

Frankreich -Subskription-

Antonio Galloni: *The 2022 Virginie de Valandraud Blanc offers up scents of tangerine oil, mint, white flowers and crushed rocks. Bright and sculpted, the Virginie Blanc has a bit more mid-palate intensity than in most years. It's a style that works quite well.*
(Vinous.com - 04/2023)

Punkte & Bewertungen

James Suckling: 94-95/100 Antonio Galloni: 90-93/100 Decanter: 92/100 WeinWisser: 17,5/20 Neal Martin: 91/100 Jeff Leve: 93/100

25,15 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand
Bitte beachten Sie unsere abweichenden Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen für Subskriptionsaufträge.

Grundpreis: 33,53 / Liter Lieferzeit: Juni 2025

Gesamtalkohol: 14,50% Vol.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Winzer Château Valandraud
FR 33330 Saint-Étienne-de-Lisse
Jahrgang 2022
Füllmenge 0,750 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033042027-2200
Sorte Weisswein
Rebsorte(n) Sauvignon Blanc (45%)
Sémillon (55%)
Alkoholgehalt % Vol. 14,50
Qualitätsstufe AC
Original-Verpackung 6 Flaschen pro Kiste


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


optimal trinkbar zwischen 2026-2029
empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 16-18
Verschlußart Naturkork
Ausbau Betontank
Alter Barriques / Jahre: 1-2
Anteil neues Holz: 0 %
Dauer des Barriqueausbaus / Monate: 9


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 92 pts – GH: *Green apple, ginger, orange rind and lemon notes on the nose. Smooth and weighty on the palate, the initial mouthwatering acidity is covered by the intensity of the fruit giving an oily sensation with peach, apricot and lemon flavours. Less vibrant than expected given the pH but remains cool and focussed. Lightly fruited, clean and long. Not so crisp but there's excellent flavour intensity, just more lean, but long length, so there’s potential here. Harvest 25 August - 13 September. Ageing nine months in two and three-year-old oak. 3.25pH. 6,000 bottles.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz WeinWisser:

    WeinWisser – 17,5/20 pts – GL, TW: *Verwobenes schwarzbeeriges Bouquet, Szechuanpfeffer, Schokopastillen und dominikanischer Tabak. Am kompakten durchtrainierten Gaumen mit weicher Textur, körniger Extraktfülle und stützender Rasse. Im gebündelt langanhaltenden Finale Holundersaft, Schlehengelee und dunkle Mineralik.* – 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Galloni:

    Vinous.com – (90-93) pts – AG: *The 2022 Virginie de Valandraud Blanc offers up scents of tangerine oil, mint, white flowers and crushed rocks. Bright and sculpted, the Virginie Blanc has a bit more mid-palate intensity than in most years. It's a style that works quite well.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Martin:

    Vinous.com – 91 pts – NM: *The 2022 Virginie de Valandraud Blanc has a clean and precise bouquet with Conference pear and light lime aromas. The palate is well balanced with a lovely resinous texture, crisp acidity with ample "bite" on the tangy, pear and lime finish. Delicious.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – 93 pts – JL: *Spring flowers, lemon rind, vanilla, white peach, honeysuckle and green apples fill the nose. The palate is fresh, fruity, and loaded with sweet yellow citrus, a gentle touch of herbs, and licorice that enters at the end of the finish. The wine blends 55% Semillon with 45% Sauvignon Blanc. Drink from 2025-2031.* - 05/2023

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Weitere Informationen zum


Château Valandraud

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