2021 Chateau Valandraud Blanc - Bordeaux Blanc AC

2021 Chateau Valandraud Blanc - Bordeaux Blanc AC


Antonio Galloni: *The 2021 Valandraud Blanc is rich, deep and super-expressive. There is a level of intensity here that is beguiling. Lemon confit, marzipan, white flowers, crushed rocks and slate abound. All the Blanc needs is time—a recent bottle of the 2017 was outstanding. Light tropical notes and white flowers linger on the resonant close.*
(Vinous.com - 12/2023)

Punkte & Bewertungen

Jane Anson: 96/100 Decanter: 94/100 Neal Martin: 94/100 Antonio Galloni: 94/100 WeinWisser: 18/20 Jeff Leve: 95/100

80,75 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand

Grundpreis: 107,67 / Liter Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage

Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Winzer Château Valandraud
FR 33330 Saint-Étienne-de-Lisse
Jahrgang 2021
Füllmenge 0,750 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033042028-2100
EAN 3380820092605
Sorte Weisswein
Rebsorte(n) Sauvignon Gris (50%)
Sauvignon Blanc (35%)
Sémillon (15%)
Alkoholgehalt % Vol. 13,50
Qualitätsstufe AC
Original-Verpackung 6 Flaschen pro Kiste


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


optimal trinkbar zwischen 2025-2032
empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 16-18
Verschlußart Naturkork
Ausbau Betontank
Alter Barriques / Jahre: 0
Anteil neues Holz: 80 %
Dauer des Barriqueausbaus / Monate: 10

Weinberg & Terroir

Ertrag in hl / ha 45
Art der Lese manuell
durchschnittliches Rebalter in Jahren 23


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 94 pts – GH: *Gorgeous nose, perfumed peach, pear and floral notes - so appealing and welcoming. Graceful and charming on the palate, this has depth of flavour with a lovely core of juicy white fruits with a steely saltiness giving it that push-pull of fruit and minerality. This has character - it's not a massively weighty wine but has precision and refinement, presenting the elements delicately but still with structure and frame. The flavours linger and they are all perfectly balanced. I love the shot of lemon, bitter orange and cool stone saline touches. Both the red and white grand vins are delicious and successful in 2021.* - 04/2022

  • Verkostungsnotiz WeinWisser:

    WeinWisser – 18/20 pts – GL, TW: *50 % Sauvignon Gris, 35 % Sauvignon Blanc, 15 % Sémillon, 13 Vol.-%, Produktion 3.500 Flaschen. Dichtes Bouquet, reife Pampelmuse, Zitronenmelisse, erkalteter Grüntee und edle Mineralik. Am konzentrierten Gaumen mit cremiger Textur, perfekt balancierter Rasse, herrlicher Extraktfülle und mittlerem Körper. Im gebündelten Finale perfekte Symbiose zwischen Finesse und Kraft, edle Salznote gepaart mit zartem Kreideton.* – 06/2022

  • Verkostungsnotiz Galloni:

    Vinous.com – 94 pts – AG: *The 2021 Valandraud Blanc is rich, deep and super-expressive. There is a level of intensity here that is beguiling. Lemon confit, marzipan, white flowers, crushed rocks and slate abound. All the Blanc needs is time—a recent bottle of the 2017 was outstanding. Light tropical notes and white flowers linger on the resonant close.* - 12/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Martin:

    Vinous.com – 94 pts – NM: *The 2021 Valandraud Blanc has a well-defined bouquet with yellow plum, kaki fruit and light crushed stone aromas, touches of smoke in the background. The palate is fresh and vibrant with a fine bead of acidity and a hint of sour lemon. Grapefruit and pineapple notes grace the satisfying finish. Excellent.* - 11/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – 95 pts – JL: *Honeysuckle, white flowers, green apples, lemon peel and pomelo notes are all over the place here in the nose and on the palate. Vibrant, energetic and lush, the finish lingers with its crisp citrus flavors and flamboyant nature. The wine blends 50% Sauvignon Gris, 35% Sauvignon Blanc and 15% Semillon. A year f aging has added a lot to this wine. Drink from 2024-2035. Drink from 2025-2044.* - 03/2024

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Weitere Informationen zum


Château Valandraud

Das Château Valandraud kann man wohl zu den „jungen, wilden“ Weingütern des Bordeaux zählen, das für sein junges Alter einen rasanten Aufstieg miterlebt hat: von einem „Garagen-Bordeaux“ zu einem 1er Grand Cru Classé in nur 21 Jahren!
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