2022 Le Pin - Pomerol AC

2022 Le Pin - Pomerol AC

Bordeaux - Frankreich -Subskription- -Rest: 2 Fl.-

Neal Martin: *The 2022 Le Pin was picked 6 to 17 September at 29hL/ha, pure Merlot as usual matured in 65% new oak. It has a quasi-Burgundian bouquet, extremely pure and floral, fleeting glimpses of blueberry and blackcurrant, very perfumed in style. The palate is medium-bodied with a concentrated, verging on viscous opening that delivers a payload of gorgeous, mineral-rich black fruit. Wonderful balance, velvety in texture, it leans toward a more opulent Le Pin. This disguises the backbone of this wine that should ensure it matures over many years. Seriously fine, though I would take Jacques Thienpont's comparison to the 1945 or 1947 Le Pin with a big pinch of salt.*
(Vinous.com - 04/2023)

Punkte & Bewertungen

Antonio Galloni: 94-97/100 Neal Martin: 96-98/100 Jeff Leve: 98-100/100 WeinWisser: 20/20 Jancis Robinson: 18/20 Decanter: 97/100

3.213,00 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand
Bitte beachten Sie unsere abweichenden Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen für Subskriptionsaufträge.

Grundpreis: 4.284,00 / Liter Lieferzeit: Juni 2025

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Winzer Château Le Pin
Rue la Fontaine, FR 33500 Pomerol
Jahrgang 2022
Füllmenge 0,750 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033041059-2200
Sorte Rotwein
Rebsorte(n) Merlot (100%)
Qualitätsstufe AC
Original-Verpackung 1 Flasche pro Kist


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 16-18
Verschlußart Naturkork
Ausbau Barrique
Alter Barriques / Jahre: ?
Anteil neues Holz: 0 %
Dauer des Barriqueausbaus / Monate: ?


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 97 pts – GH: *Concentrated fruit, ripe blackcurrants and soft bramble touches with delicate perfumed aromas on the nose. Smooth and supple, more straight and sleek than the nose suggests with an appealing hit of mouthwatering acidity on the mid palate giving life and energy balanced by an intense saline minerality that gives edges to the firm tannins. This opens after a few minutes, becoming more expressive and complex adding graphite, cocoa, liquorice, flint, floral touches and succulent red fruits to the mix. Poised, happy, joyful, captivating and lively. Very impressive. Doesn't quite carry the weight of others but this is stunning with a lightness of touch and extreme polish. 3.77pH. 3.0g/L total acidity. Ageing in barrels, 65% new, 35% one wine. Harvest 6 - 17 September. A yield of 29hl/ha.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz WeinWisser:

    WeinWisser – 20/20pts – GL, TW: *100 % Merlot, 14.4 Vol.-%, pH 3.77, 29 hl/ha. Was für eine unglaubliche Intensität dieser Le Pin hat: frisch gepflückte Walderdbeere, Himbeermark, Schattenmorellensaft, betörender Irisduft, getrockneter Rosmarin und Oregano – wie eine Mille-feuille. Am sublimen Gaumen mit seidiger Textur, kakaoartigem Tanningerüst, tänzerischer Rasse, mineralischem Kern sowie einem perfekt modellierten Körper. Im konzentrierten Finale explodiert der Pomerol und endet mit einem Korb von Herzkirschen, edler Cassiswürze und royaler feinkörniger Adstringenz. Gehört neben Trotanoy zu den besten Weinen aus der Appellation. Auf meine spitzbübische Frage, ob das hier der beste Le Pin sei, antwortet Jacques lächelnd: "Nein, ich bin nie zufrieden und möchte mich jedes Mal verbessern!"* – 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Robinson:

    JancisRobinson.com – 18/20pts – JR: *Very deep, glowing crimson. Slightly reticent nose. Sweet and smooth and with an undertow of juicy, candied tobacco leaves! Long and pure. It’s difficult to see the tannins but apparently the IPT (tannin level by analysis) is sufficiently high, thanks to the thick skins, which also promoted colour extraction. Long and deceptively drinkable!* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Galloni:

    Vinous.com – (94-97) pts – AG: *The 2022 Le Pin is racy and nicely textured, but it also comes across as somewhat closed. I suspect a sulfur addition three weeks before tasting explains much of the wine's reticence. There is almost certainly more to the 2022 than this tasting suggests. Needless to say, I am very curious to taste this again down the line.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Martin:

    Vinous.com – (96-98) pts – NM: *The 2022 Le Pin was picked 6 to 17 September at 29hL/ha, pure Merlot as usual matured in 65% new oak. It has a quasi-Burgundian bouquet, extremely pure and floral, fleeting glimpses of blueberry and blackcurrant, very perfumed in style. The palate is medium-bodied with a concentrated, verging on viscous opening that delivers a payload of gorgeous, mineral-rich black fruit. Wonderful balance, velvety in texture, it leans toward a more opulent Le Pin. This disguises the backbone of this wine that should ensure it matures over many years. Seriously fine, though I would take Jacques Thienpont's comparison to the 1945 or 1947 Le Pin with a big pinch of salt.* - 04/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – (98-100) pts – JL: *Quite floral in nature, it is the vivacious nature, sensuality, and freshness in the fruits that stand out. Picture, velvety-textured, black plums with dark chocolate, saffron, orange peel, cumin and black raspberries that caress and paint your palate with layers of fruit. There is a sublime sense of purity, paired with elegance and vivacity that sticks with you in the precise finish for close to 60 seconds. Produced from 100% Merlot, 14.4% ABV, 3.77 pH, the harvest took place September 6 - September 17. Yields were only 29 hectoliters per hectare. Drink from 2026-2055.* - 05/2023

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  • Gesamtalkohol: 13,50% Vol.

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2023 Le Pin - Pomerol AC
2023 Le Pin - Pomerol AC

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Weitere Informationen zum


Château Le Pin

Es war im Jahr 2011 als das renommierte Wall Street Journal den kometenhaften Aufstieg von Le Pin endgültig adelte: „It took Bordeaux centuries to create great wine, Jacques Thienpont did it in just 30 years.“
Als besagter Jacques Thienpont 1979 zusammen mit Vater Marcel und Onkel Gérard das Weingut auf dem berühmten Plateau von Pomerol erwarb, war die Entwicklung zu einem der gesuchtesten Kultweine der Welt nicht absehbar. Immerhin hatte Léon Thienpont, der das Top-Pomerol-Weingut Vieux Château Certan in der Nachbarschaft bis 1985 für die Familie Thienpont führte, Potential erkannt und Jacques bewegt, zuzugreifen, als es 1979 angeboten wurde. Die kurz zuvor verwitwete Madame Laubie verkaufte es für 1 Mio. Franc (ungefähr 152.000 Euro). Der Preis war so hoch, dass das nur 1 ha umfassende Weingut, dessen Traubenmaterial bis dahin nur in generische Lalande-de-Pomerol-Weine Eingang gefunden hatte, nicht wie ursprünglich angedacht Vieux Château Certan zugeschlagen wurde.


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