2019 Chateau d'Yquem - 0,375 l - halbe Flasche - 1er Cru Superieur Sauternes

2019 Chateau d'Yquem - 0,375 l - halbe Flasche - 1er Cru Superieur Sauternes

Bordeaux - Frankreich

Ein kurzer, nasser Winter und ein langer, warmer Frühling und Sommer: das sorgte – in Kombination mit der straffen Lese nur der besten Lagen innerhalb von fünf Tagen – für bestes Traubenmaterial schon bevor es bei Chateau d’Yquem in den Keller ging. Vor allem die Balance zwischen der fruchtigen, süßen Fülle, der Konzentration und der spritzigen Frische ist dieses Jahr wunderbar gelungen. Dieser Sauternes macht schon in seiner Jugend Spaß, aber mit der Reife wird er richtig grandios werden.
(RN – 03/22)

Punkte & Bewertungen

Falstaff: 97/100 Vinum: 18,5/20 Jeff Leve: 98/100 Jancis Robinson: 17/20 Decanter: 97/100 Neal Martin: 98/100

202,35 (Preis / Flasche inkl. MwSt) inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versand

Grundpreis: 539,60 / Liter Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage

Nur noch 6 mal auf Lager!

Gesamtalkohol: 14,50% Vol.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Zahlen & Fakten

Winzer Château d' Yquem
FR 33210 Sauternes
Jahrgang 2019
Füllmenge 0,375 Liter
Artikel-Nr. 033042024-1902
Sorte Weisswein
Rebsorte(n) Sémillon (55%)
Sauvignon Blanc (45%)
Alkoholgehalt % Vol. 14,50
Qualitätsstufe 1er Cru Classé
Original-Verpackung 6 Flaschen pro Kiste


enthält Sulfite Ja

Details für Wissbegierige


optimal trinkbar zwischen 2024-2040
empfohlene Trinktemperatur °C 8-12
Verschlußart Naturkork
passt zu Dessert
Foie Gras

Analyse & Vinifikation

Gesamtsäure g/L 5,50
Restsüße/Restzuckergehalt g/L 138,00
Ausbau Barrique
Anteil neues Holz: 0 %


  • Verkostungsnotiz Decanter:

    Decanter.com – 97 pts – AH: *The 2019 vintage of Château d'Yquem has the highest proportion (45%) of Sauvignon Blanc in any modern Yquem. The Sauvignon Blanc adds to the freshness, acting as a great balance to the succulent, sweet and voluptuous palate. Intense peach and apricot, combined with lemon and orange zest, make this highly appealing to drink right away – an ideal vintage with which to start Yquem’s ‘lighthouse’ project. However, it would be a shame not to give this 10+ years maturation to see how it develops. Very well, I suspect. The growing season was both warm and wet, with mildew a big threat. After a mostly dry September, 40mm rain came at the end of the month, leading to a very short harvest window. All of the Yquem grapes were picked in two tries within a one-week period. Residual Sugar: 138g/L.* - 02/2022

  • Verkostungsnotiz Vinum:

    Vinum Magazin – 18,5/20pts: *Blumig- fruchtige Aromatik, Botrytisnoten auch; von öliger Süsse und grosser Länge auf Noten von Steinobst und frischen Mandeln; grosser Yquem, besitzt Fülle und Rasse.*

  • Verkostungsnotiz Robinson:

    JancisRobinson.com – 17/20pts – JR: *Tasted blind. Coconut cream on the nose. Lots of pleasure and fun, provided you like Hawaiian Tropic. Good acid/sweetness balance and quite long. Interesting undertow. Still quite youthful.* - 01/2023

  • Verkostungsnotiz Martin:

    Vinous.com – 98 pts – NM: *Owners LVMH took the decision to delay the release of the 2019 Yquem until spring 2022. It was tasted with winemaker Sandrine Garbay in London. After the summer drought when Sauternes received just 2.5mm of rain until 26 July, that day saw a 112mm deluge that replenished underground reserves and gave ripening the push it needed. Dry and warm conditions prevailed throughout September when there was no sign of botrytis infection. That was finally provoked by 38mm of rain between 21 and 25 of September, followed by warm clement weather. After minor picking of Sauvignon Blanc on 7 of October, the main harvest began in earnest on 10 October. Pickers worked over the following five days, including Sunday. Time was of the essence because, as forecasts predicted, the weather suddenly changed on 14 of October with 40mm or rain. After that, the picking teams skirted between showers between 17 and 22 of October, though by now the fruit had begun to deteriorate. Therefore, the key aspect of this Yquem is the extremely tight picking window. The final blend contains 138g/L residual sugar, which is slightly less than the previous vintage, with 5.5g/L total acidity and 14.4% alcohol. Tasting the 2019, I noticed that it has a slightly paler hue compared to recent vintages (though I never read too much into the colour of young Sauternes.) For certain, it has a highly-aromatic bouquet that is beguiling in purity, enticing aromas of honeysuckle and saffron, soon joined by camomile, white flowers and orange blossom. It has wonderful delineation and gains intensity with aeration. The palate is supremely well-balanced with fine bead of acidity. Very harmonious and armed with just the right amount of viscosity, this Yquem is surprisingly understated at first but gains presence, offering irresistible flavours of layers of honey, lemongrass, lemon thyme and orange pith. Yquem is so tempting in its youth, but I feel that this vintage will repay those with the nous to cellar for at least a decade.* - 02/2022

  • Verkostungsnotiz Leve:

    Thewinecellarinsider.com – 98 pts – JL: *Light, yellow, gold in color, the wine pops on the nose with its showy display of flowers, honeysuckle, candied apricots, orange rind, pineapple, mango, lemongrass, vanilla and spice. Perched on the corner of richness, sweetness and acidity, the wine is opulent, fresh, sweet, rich and most-importantly, lifted, so everything feels upbeat and racy on the backend. Because the wine has so much lift and energy, it will be easy to pair with a diverse array of cuisines. You can enjoy this young, without much if any age for its sweetness and exuberance. Or age it for secondary characteristics and nuances. Produced from a blend of 55% Semillon and 45% Sauvignon Blanc, 2019 has the highest percentage of Sauvignon Blanc ever used in d'Yquem. You find more Sauvignon Blanc this year due to the shortened picking window. But as you can see from my notes, or from tasting the wine, it really works here! Drink from 2025-2075.* - 03/2022

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Bordeaux - Frankreich

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Weitere Informationen zum


Château d' Yquem

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Hierüber denkt man unwillkürlich nach, wenn man vom französischen Schriftsteller Frédéric Dard in einem zweiseitigen Vorwort u.a. liest:
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